Youth Ministry
The 2024-25 Education Year is up and running, View the Education Year calendar by clicking here!
About Youth Ministry
The Youth at Highview Christiania play an important role in the congregation. Youth activities comprise of Sunday School, Wednesday School, Confirmation, Family Nights and more. During our education year, Wednesday school and Confirmation take place on Wednesday evenings where a community memebr also provides a community meal. There are open gym hours allowing kids to burn energy while adults socialize.
We all play an important roll in supporting our youth in their faith journey by bringing our time, talent, and treassure forward. We encourage everyone to get involved in youth activities wether that means volunteering to be a Sunday or Wednesday School teacher, volunteering to provide a Wednesday meal, becoming a Confirmation mentor, or helping out in some other way.

Sunday School
Sunday School is a fun way for kids to interact with one another while learning Bible stories. Each Sunday, youth learn a Bible story and do a related craft to help them relate what they are learning to their lives.
Sunday School takes places from 10:15am-11am on Sunday mornings.
Wednesday School
Wednesday School is a fun way for kids to interact with one another while learning Bible stories. Each Wednesday, youth learn a Bible story and do a related craft to help them relate what they are learning to their lives. They also do fun activites around the holidays such as Tunk-or-Treat and a Christmas Pageant.
Wednesday School takes places from 5pm-5:45pm on Wednesday nights.

Confirmation signifies youth becoming adult members of the church. Youth are taking responsibility for their faith journey, and we as a congregation are here to celebrate them. Before youth are confirmed they go through Confirmation classes through the church where they learn what it means to be confrimed and to be a member of the Lutheran church.
Confirmation takes places from 6pm-6:45pm on Wednesday nights.